MATLAB: Do I get an error when trying to set SQO levels for a Polyspace Code Prover project via command line using polyspace-​results-re​pository.e​xe in R2019a

Polyspace Code Prover

Why do I get the below error when trying to set SQO levels for a Polyspace Code Prover project, like
"%MATLAB_root%\polyspace\bin\polyspace-results-repository.exe" -set-sqo-id SQO-4 -product CodeProver -verif-version 1.0 -server my-server -prog OS_EEPROM3
that Iuploaded right before using
"%MATLAB_root%\polyspace\bin\polyspace-results-repository.exe" -upload …
!!! Error setting SQO Level for results:
Error: No run found matching criteria.

Best Answer

There is an option missing in the command line : -unit-by-unit
If the Code Prover project is a unit-by-unit project this option has to be added for the command to match the right project.
For your example:
"%MATLAB_root%\polyspace\bin\polyspace-results-repository.exe" -set-sqo-id SQO-4 -product CodeProver -verif-version 1.0 -unit-by-unit -server my-server -prog OS_EEPROM3