MATLAB: Do I get an error when trying to customizing the Metrics Dashboard in Simulink Check

Simulink Check

The following page in the documentation describes how to customize our dashboard and the metric engine using a Configuration file to show different check groups from Model Advisor:
I tried the same but am getting error while selecting the customized metric, as shown in the following screenshot:

Best Answer

The error is because you are trying to select a specific check, but instead the function expects a group of checks. More details are given in the example documentation page on how to obtain Check Group ID's:
I have modified the above script to include the Simulink Check group, which contains the check that you were trying to include and now there is no error.
Please have a look at the attached script ("trial.m") for the right modifications.
Unfortunately, the current behavior is such that the metric maps to a group of checks. the data visualizations and explorations are geared to look across many checks and provide an overview. It cannot be modified to look at a specific check instead of a group of checks.
The workaround would be to move all the checks that you want to be on the dashboard into a separate group and use that group with the metric customization.