MATLAB: Do I get an error when I use a workspace variable as a parameter in the Vector Scope block in the Signal Processing Blockset 6.0 (R14)


I am using the Vector Scope block in the Signal Processing Blockset 6.0 (R14). Why do I get an error when I specify a workspace variable as a parameter in this block?
For example, when I define a variable and then use it to specify sample time in the Vector Scope block mask, I get the following error:
Error evaluating registered method 'Start' of M-S-Function 'sdspfscope2' in 'problem1/Vector Scope'. Error using ==> unknown
Matrix dimensions must agree

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in Signal Processing Blockset 6.3 (R2006a). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
There is a bug in Signal Processing Blockset 6.0 (R14) in the way that the Vector Scope block handles workspace variables.
To work around this issue, specify block parameter values directly in the block mask without using variables.