MATLAB: Do I get an error when I try to assign a string value which contains blanks to a TLC variable with the -a option in Real-Time Workshop 5.0 (R13)

blanksimulink coderspacestringtlcunterminatedvariable

I have a TLC file called test.tlc that looks like:
%selectfile STDOUT
MyTestVariable = %<MyTestVariable>
If I execute this tlc file with this command:
tlc -aMyTestVariable="It_works" test.tlc
everything works fine. If I execute the tlc file with this command:
tlc -aMyTestVariable="It does not work" test.tlc
I got the following error message:
Error: File: execstring Line: 1 Column: 26
Unterminated string
Error: File: execstring Line: 1 Column: 29
syntax error
Error: Usage: tlc [options] file
-r <name>specify the record file (.rtw, .mdl, ...) to read
-v[N]specify the verbose level to be N (1 by default)
-I<path>specify a search path to look for %include and %generate files
-m[N|a]specify the maximum number of errors (a is all) default is 5.
-O<path>specify the path used to create output files
-d[a|c|n|o|f<filename>]specify debug mode (check assertions, command line debugger,
normal, off, or command line debugger batch file name)
-a<ident>=<expression>assign a variable to a specified value
-p<number>print a . indicating progress for every <number> lines of TLC code
-lintperform some simple performance checks and collect some runtime statistics
-x<number>if <number> = 1 (default) execute all TLC code; if = 0 just parse it
type "tlc server" for Server Mode usage.
??? Error: Errors occurred - aborting
Error in ==> D:\MATLAB6p5\toolbox\rtw\rtw\tlc_new.dll
Error in ==> D:\MATLAB6p5\toolbox\rtw\rtw\tlc.m
On line 77 ==> tlc_new(varargin{:});

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed for Release 14 (R14). For previous releases, please read below for any possible workarounds:
To assign a string value to a TLC variable, the string inside of the double quotes must be protected by single quotes. For example, the correct format should be:
tlc -aMyTestVariable='"string with spaces"' test.tlc
This will be documented in a future release of the TLC documentation.