MATLAB: Do I get an error about a missing file when I attempt to use Link for ModelSim 1.1 (R13SP1+) on Linux

compatibleEDA Simulator Link MQerrorfilegcclibrarieslinklinuxmodelsimredhatsimulinkversion

I receive the following error when I attempt to use Link for ModelSim on Linux:
Unable to load mex file: /rfs/apps/eda/mathworks/matlab/demo/linux/toolbox/modelsim/modelsim/hdldaemon.mexglx. cannot open shared object file: No such file or
??? Invalid MEX-file
Error in ==> /rfs/apps/eda/mathworks/matlab/demo/linux/toolbox/modelsim/modelsimdemos/modsimrand.m
On line 278 ==> dstatus = hdldaemon('status');
Error in ==> /rfs/apps/eda/mathworks/matlab/demo/linux/toolbox/modelsim/modelsimdemos/modsimrand.m
On line 863 ==> feval(varargin{:});
Error in ==> /rfs/apps/eda/mathworks/matlab/demo/linux/toolbox/modelsim/modelsimdemos/modsimrand.m
On line 34 ==> gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
??? Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback.

Best Answer

The following link contains information about the supported build compilers for specific versions-
To fix this problem, install the recommended version of the gcc c++ library on your computer.