MATLAB: Do I get an “EAccessViolation” error when I click on the Matrix Viewer button in the MATLAB Add-in for Visual Studio toolbar in MATLAB 6.5 (R13)

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Why do I get an "EAccessViolation" error when I click on the Matrix Viewer button in the MATLAB Add-in for Visual Studio toolbar in MATLAB 6.5 (R13)?
When I click on the eye glasses "Matrix Viewer" button in the MATLAB Add-in for Visual Studio, I get an mviewer error dialog box with the error message:

Best Answer

This issue has beenThis has been verified in MATLAB 6.5 (R13) when clicking on the Matrix Viewer button in the MATLAB Add-in for Visual Studio toolbar.
There are currently no known workarounds.
Consider using Visual Studio's 'Watch' facility for variables. The 'Watch' facility will show the location of your mxArrays, but if you want to view the values you will need to first convert your MxArray to a data type recognized by the 'Watch' facility, such as int or double. This can be done using a FOR loop or memcpy to store the data from the mxArray in a new array.
Another option is to add print statements to your code to view the mxArray data when running the program.