MATLAB: Do I get a sample time error when I put a Discrete sample time block in a Control Flow block in Simulink 4.1 (R12.1)


The documentation says that Control Flow subsystems are treated like enabled subsystems, but the discrete sample time is causing a problem. The documentation below specifically states that these control flow blocks are 'enabled subsystems'
The error I get is as follows:
"Sample time [0.0005 0] of block 'quickTest3/ATF1/ATF1 Small Error Controller Y/controller x 1' is invalid "

Best Answer

This is not a bug. Action subsystems are similar to enabled subsystems, but they are not identical. The rule for sample times is that all blocks inside the Action subsystem should run at the same rate as the "IF" block that is driving the Action subsystem. This is why you are getting this error. This has been added to the documentation for Simulink 5.0 (R13).
In some cases, it might be useful to turn on "Sample Time Colors" menu item under: "Format -> Port/Signal Displays", to locate where the sample time mismatch is.