MATLAB: Do I get a Java Exception error when I try to run CREATECLASSFROMWSDL


When I run
I get the the following error:
Retrieving document at '<'>
Error using createClassFromWsdl>parseWsdl (line 97)
javax.wsdl.WSDLException: WSDLException (at /definitions/types/xsd:schema):
faultCode=OTHER_ERROR: An error occurred trying to resolve schema referenced
at '<'>, relative to
'file:/Users/maguler/Documents/MATLAB/wsdl.wsdl'.: The
issuer can not be found in the trusted CA list.
Error in createClassFromWsdl (line 32)
[R, schema] = parseWsdl(wsdlUrl);
Some notes:
1. I have tried using KEYTOOL to add the site certificate to the Java CA keystore without success.
2. The WSDL file is successfully downloaded and other programs are able to use the file. Only 64-bit MATLAB fails to open the file and create a corresponding MATLAB class.
3. The function works successfully on a 32-bit MATLAB.

Best Answer

These errors are due to the underlying Java issues with security tokens, keys, and proxies. There are no direct solutions available.
Workarounds are to use SOAP based solutions using Java or .NET, which are discussed below.
For Java, it is possible to use either Axis2 or CXF to create a Java proxy object, and then interface with that class using the Java external interface of MATLAB.
For .NET, Microsoft has a .NET Framework Tool (wsdl.exe that comes with .NET framework) that allows you to create a C# proxy class code which you can compile into a .NET library and then interface to it from MATLAB.
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