MATLAB: Do I get a com.mathwo​rks.html.B​rowserCrea​tionExcept​ion error when running certain MATLAB commands on Linux


I get a Java error such as the following every time I call 'uisetcolor', 'webmap', or any other commands that use the JxBrowser on my Linux machine. It always seems to be a "com.mathworks.html.BrowserCreationException" error. How can I fix this?
>> uisetcolor
Error using matlab.ui.internal.dialog.WebColorChooser/show (line 74)
Java exception occurred:
com.mathworks.html.BrowserCreationException: com.mathworks.html.BrowserCreationException: com.teamdev.jxbrowser.chromium.internal.ipc.IPCException: IPC process
exited. Exit code: 127
at com.mathworks.mlwidgets.html.LightweightChromiumBrowserBuilder.buildBrowser(
at com.mathworks.mlwidgets.html.LightweightBrowserBuilder.buildBrowser(
Caused by: com.mathworks.html.BrowserCreationException: com.teamdev.jxbrowser.chromium.internal.ipc.IPCException: IPC process exited. Exit code: 127
at com.mathworks.html.jxbrowser.chromium.LightweightChromiumBrowser.<init>(
at com.mathworks.mlwidgets.html.LightweightChromiumBrowserBuilder.buildBrowser(
... 1 more
Caused by: com.teamdev.jxbrowser.chromium.internal.ipc.IPCException: IPC process exited. Exit code: 127
at Source)
Error in uisetcolor_helper>showDialog (line 67);
Error in uisetcolor_helper (line 12)
selectedColor = showDialog(ccDialog);
Error in uisetcolor (line 37)
selectedColor = uisetcolor_helper(varargin{:});

Best Answer

1) Please make sure you are using MATLAB on a supported version of Linux, as “minimal” or “core” installations of Linux may lack the necessary software packages required to run MATLAB.
2) Please try installing any missing JxBrowser dependencies. You can see any missing dependencies by running `ldd` on the 'jxbrowser-chromium' executable that ships with MATLAB.
>> cd(fullfile(matlabroot,'sys','jxbrowser-chromium','glnxa64','chromium'))
>> !ldd jxbrowser-chromium | grep -i found => not found
This example indicates that we are missing the "libgconf-2-4" dependency, which can be installed with a package manager such as `apt`.
NOTE: The exact location of the 'jxbrowser-chromium' executable may be different depending on the version of MATLAB you are using. The example above is from R2019a.
See the link below for another example of using `ldd` and installing dependencies.