MATLAB: Do I get a build error when generating code from an S-Function block created from a Subsystem containing Simscape and SimDriveline blocks


I am working on a Simulink model which has an S-Function block that was built from a subsystem with SimDriveline blocks. This was done by right-clicking the subsystem and selecting 'Code Generation -> Generate S-Function'.
This S-Function block runs fine when simulating the model. When I try to generate code from this model, though, I get the following error:
Missing file drive_std.h: No such file or directory.
I tried including this header file in the Configuration Parameters, but this only led to other missing files.

Best Answer

In Simulink 7.9 (R2012a), S-function Target is supported with SimMechanics models or subsystems, but not with Simscape software. Converting a SimMechanics subsystem to an S-function block allows you to run a model with Simulink alone.
There are no workarounds.