MATLAB: Do I get a build error when building a model to dSpace 1401 target with Real-Time Workshop 6.3 (R14SP3)

makeopusrtwsimulink coder

I have a simple model that I am building to the dSpace 1401 target. It compiled sucessfully using Real-Time Workshop 6.2 (R14SP2), but now I get the following error:
### Building CompileTest: dsmake -f
OPUS MAKE: (line 429): Test: ')' expected; got
"Files\MATLAB71\rtw\c\lib\win32\rtwlib_r14sp3_ds1401.lib". Stop.
*** Stopped RTI build procedure

Best Answer

This error is caused because MATLAB is installed on a path wtih spaces, and this version of the Opus make utility cannot work with spaces in path names.
To workaround this issue reinstall MATLAB on a path without any spaces.