MATLAB: Do I get a blank selection when I try to import libraries from the V-Realm Builder in Simulink 3D Animation (formerly: Virtual Reality Toolbox)

Simulink 3D Animation

I try to access some library objects by clicking on the 'Import From' menu in the Libraries menu of the V-Realm GUI. On choosing any of the libraries (Objects, Material or Textures) I do not obtain the categories for selection.
I receive the following error:
This item's related file no longer exists.
You may edit the current item's path or delete the item.

Best Answer

================ NOTE: V-Realm Builder is only available for Windows ================
This error can occur if the vrbuild2.ini file is corrupted. The vrbuild2.ini file can get corrupted due to operations like system updates or running V-Realm independently of MATLAB.
The workaround is to replace the corrupted or empty .ini file (which is a configuration settings file) by executing the following line from MATLAB command window:
>> vrinstall -install
as per the latest installation instructions:
You can check your installation status at the MATLAB command window:
>> vrinstall -check
Further troubleshooting steps can be found in the V-Realm manual (execute from the MATLAB command window):
>> web(fullfile(matlabroot, 'toolbox', 'sl3d', 'vrealm', 'manual', 'vrealm_man.html'))
If you have custom libraries and wish to upgrade MATLAB release, you will want to save the contents of the following folder outside the MATLAB path before upgrading releases:
These contents can then be copied over to the new "vrealm" folder at the same directory in the newer version of MATLAB.