MATLAB: Do I experience problems when downloading to target hardware using the Infineon bootload utility

bootloadc166downloadembeddedharwaretargetTarget Support Package IC1

When downloading version 2.23 of Minimon from the Infineon web site, I cannot get the model to download. This affects models with Build Action set to "Download_and_run". It does not affect models with Build Action that involves using the debugger.

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed for Release 14 (R14). For previous releases, please read below for any possible workarounds:
This is a MiniMon Configuration problem. To correct the problem, you must start MiniMon then make the following changes.
NOTE: These instructions assume you are using a Phytec phyCORE-CS167 evaluation board.
1. Select the menu item Target/Configure
2. Set the Controller Type to C167CS-4RM
3. Check the SYSCON register and enter a value of 0080 (hex).
4. Check the ADDRSEL1 register and enter a value of 0004 (hex).
5. For the BUSCON1 register, enter a value of 049F (hex).
6. Press OK to exit the configuration dialog.
7. Select the menu Interface/Settings
8. Make sure that the KLINE setting is UNchecked.
9. Close the Communication Settings dialog box.
10. Close MiniMon (the changes settings are automatically saved).
11. Your model should now be downloaded and run automatically when MiniMon
is opened at the end of the build process.