MATLAB: Do I encounter a constant CPU usage when opening the model in Simulink 6.5 (R2006b)


For some of my Simulink models, I notice that the CPU usage for MATLAB remains at a constant 30% in the Windows Taskbar or so even after the model is opened. This is different from my other models where MATLAB usage drops to 0% after the model is opened.

Best Answer

On some user machines, this issue is seen when opening some models in Simulink 6.5 (R2006b). The issue was due to more than one open window for the model (i.e. multiple windows may be open for multiple subsystems in the model).
Some users have been able to work around this issue by closing all windows except the main window. In addition, setting window reuse to 'reuse' also alleviates the constant CPU usage. To set window reuse type, follow these steps:
1. In the Simulink model window, click on the File menu.
2. Select Preferences.
3. In 'Window reuse type', select "Reuse".