MATLAB: Do data files get written to the $MATLAB\to​olbox\dist​comp\bin\w​in32 directory by default in Distributed Computing Toolbox 1.0.1 (R14SP2)

clusterMATLAB Parallel ServerParallel Computing Toolbox

I execute the following code:
jm = findResource('jobmanager','name',<YOUR JOB MANAGER>);
job = createJob(jm,'FileDependencies',{'iotest.m'});
t = createTask(job,@iotest,1,{rand(100,10)});
x = getAllOutputArguments(job)
w = t.Worker;
When I look in the $MATLAB\toolbox\distcomp\bin\win32 directory on the machine returned in the last command above, I see foo.txt (where $MATLAB is the MATLAB root directory on my machine, as returned by typing
at the MATLAB command prompt).

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in Distributed Computing Toolbox 1.0.2 (R14SP3).
There are no workarounds for earlier versions.