MATLAB: Do comments for Simulink.Signal object not show up in generated code when using Embedded Coder

commentscustomstorageclassEmbedded Coderembeddedcodergeneratedcode

I've included some text in the description field for some of MPT.Signal objects in my model and I'm expecting to see the text as comments in the generated code. I have checked the 'Include Comments' option as well as the 'Simulink Data Object Descriptions' option in the model's config params. Further, these signal objects have also been associated with signals in the model. However, I do not see comments for all such Signal objects.
Why does this happen?

Best Answer

Please verify the storage class of the MPT.Signal object you have defined and check if it is set to 'Auto'. When the storage class of a signal is set to Auto, you're essentially providing Embedded Coder with the option of optimizing out the signal should it be deemed more efficient to do so. In your case, it is possible that Embedded Coder is optimizing out the Signal object and therefore, doesn't generate the comment.
I would suggest changing the the storage class of the signal from 'Auto' to something like 'ExportedGlobal' to ensure the appearance of this variable in the generated code, and by extension, a comment. However, please note that setting 'ExportedGlobal' as the storage class is merely a suggestion. You are encouraged to identify a storage class that is more suitable to your workflow that and add that setting to the signal. It is just that the 'Auto' storage class could result in the signal being optimized out.