MATLAB: Dlmread with Complex Data

.csv filecomplex datacsvreaddlmreadfile importrawr

I am trying to load the csv file which is linked to at the end of the post into MATLAB. The file contains 11 lines and 2 columns. The data in the second column is complex. There is no header.
The following code throws an exception
folder = 'C:\Users\...\';
M= csvread([folder '\sweepRect1_4.csv'])
The exception is:
Error using dlmread (line 139)
Mismatch between file and format string.
Trouble reading number from file (row 2u, field 1u) ==>
Error in csvread (line 48)
m=dlmread(filename, ',', r, c);
From reading the documentation on csvread, my understanding is that the file is properly formatted. I have looked at the csv file in notepad and notepad++ and I do not see any extra characters that would be 'non numeric'. My understanding is that the \n is necessary and proper in a csv file. Note, I get this error with csv-files generated by Ansoft's HFSS (on Windows) and never edited by MS Excel. This file was cropped using MS Excel, but the exception is the same.
So, how do I load this file? I need to load several large files, and hand editing the files would be a last resort.
Thank you very much for your time,
MATLAB Version: OS: Windows 7

Best Answer

str = '0, -0.327608566493008 + 0.0694068104667148i';
cac = textscan( str, '%u%f', 'delimiter', ',', 'whitespace', ' ' )
This doesn't work. The problem is the spaces between the real and imaginary parts.
str = '0, -0.327608566493008+0.0694068104667148i';
cac = textscan( str, '%u%f', 'delimiter', ',', 'whitespace', ' ' )
This works. Without these spaces dmlread would probably work aswell. It is documented, I cannot blame Matlab this time :)
  1. read the complete line as a string
  2. remove spaces next to "+" and "-"
  3. convert according to above example