MATLAB: Divide matrix into equal parts of 7 columns

matrix splitting mat2cell

i am trying to split a matrix of 999999×1 into pieces of 7×1 I am trying to use mat2cell but everytime it failed?
I found something on the matlab forum like this: Y = mat2cell(p, repmat(7,[1 size(p,1)/7]), repmat(10,[1 size(p,2)/7])); but this is not working..

Best Answer

If you want to use mat2cell, this works:
v = randi(99, 999999, 1); % Create Data
v_split = mat2cell(v, 7*ones(999999/7,1), 1); % Split Into (7x1) Cells
The mat2cell function wants as its arguments dimensions for each cell. Here, there are 142857 cells, each (7x1), specified by the ‘7*ones(999999/7,1)’ argument. Your vector is a column vector, so you need only specify 1 for the number of columns for all of them.