MATLAB: Divide function in trainbr train function

divide functiondividefcnneural networktrain functiontrainbrtrainfcn

hello I have made a feedforward neural network. when I set the net.trainFcn to trainbr, and the divide function to divideblock or dividerand with train/val/test ratio of 70/0/30 after training the network, the devideFcn in the training result is set to dividetrain and all of the input data is used for training, and tr.testInd is empty what am I doing wrong? thanks in advance.

Best Answer

The TRAINBR code covering indexing and ratios is BUGGY. I couldn't figure it out when I looked at it back in June 2013.
Now that I'm older, I might have better luck.
1. Complain to MATLAB, directly, with specific, repeatable, examples on MATLAB data
help nndata
doc nndata
2. Experiment some more to see if you can impose something other than the 80/0/20 default.
3. Another possibility is to use TRAIN with msereg
Hope this helps.
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