MATLAB: Divide area into polygons


Hello everyone. Supposing there is a square area (x,y coordinates) given by the user is it possible to divide the area into non overlapping polygons (let's say 8 polygons for example) and then check which polygon contains a single pair of coordinates? In the meantime i am trying to figure it out and if there is any progress I will post it as a comment. Any help is most welcome. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Many different ways.
  • Slice the square into 8 rectangles with horizontal cuts.
  • Slice the square into 8 rectangles with vertical cuts.
  • Slice the square into 4 smaller squares with one horizontal and one vertical cut, then divide each square into two pieces with a single cut each.
  • Do some other series of 3 cuts that achieves the upper bound of 7 in the lazy caterer's sequence then make one cut that divides one of the pieces in two.
What requirements do you have on the polygons into which you want to cut the square?
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