MATLAB: Distribution graph velocity : how to make simple paraboloid of revolution


Hello Guys,
I have a simple problem. You remember the mechanics of fluids? To calculate the velocity distribution in a circular tube (actual fluid) use the equation "u" and then to further develop the known Hagen-Poiseuille equation. If we consider the tube without inclination have this equation:
u = (-N 2 - R 2) / 4 * mi
if I assign values to 'r' and 'mi', we have a paraboloid of revolution that describes the velocity distribution of the fluid in the tube. How can I make this chart in matlab?
See the example:
a = [-50:50];
u = -((a.^2-(0.001^2))/(4*1.485));
syms x
I put an fig in attach
Thank you in advance for all the help!

Best Answer

i think your method works for this type of problems, try :
N=40; % Discretization
Vmax=20; % 20m/s
R=0.5; % radius of the tube
z(z<0)=0; % trick to truncate the unwanted elements
figure, surf(x,y,z), shading interp
xlabel('X axis (m)');
ylabel(' Y axis (m)');
zlabel(' Velocity (m/s)');
title(' Velocity profile');