MATLAB: Distance between all elements of row vector


So, I have 1×200 matrix, (row vector). I want to find difference (x(0)-x(1), x(0)-x(2)…) between all elements of an array. How do I do that ?
I should be having 200×200/2 values.

Best Answer

row = rand(1,6);
cell2mat( reshape( arrayfun( @(jj) row(jj)-row, (1:6), 'uni', false ), [],1 ) )
ans =
0 -0.0790 -0.0644 0.2865 0.0233 0.5075
0.0790 0 0.0146 0.3655 0.1023 0.5866
0.0644 -0.0146 0 0.3509 0.0877 0.5719
-0.2865 -0.3655 -0.3509 0 -0.2633 0.2210
-0.0233 -0.1023 -0.0877 0.2633 0 0.4843
-0.5075 -0.5866 -0.5719 -0.2210 -0.4843 0