MATLAB: Displaying the colors of a color matrix


Hi, I have a matrix of colors,
C = [.5142 0.7695 0.7258;
0.9300 0.8644 0.4048;
0.6929 0.6784 0.7951;
0.9154 0.4668 0.4158;
0.9227 0.6565 0.3574;
0.6528 0.8096 0.3829;
0.6856 0.4668 0.6893;
0.7914 0.7914 0.7914;
0.7440 0.8571 0.7185;
0.9191 0.7476 0.8352;
0.9191 0.7476 0.8352 ];
I'm looking for a command that will simply display each of these colors in some way that I can easily match the colors to the rows of the matrix. Have googled up and down for this, which has to exist somewhere.
Thanks very much, Leo

Best Answer

hold on
for k=1:size(C,1)
plot([0 1],[k k],'linewidth',8,'color',C(k,:))