MATLAB: Displaying text in the command window when running a program

command linedisplayMATLABtext;

Am I being really stupid in failing to find how to display text in the command window when running my program?
Ie. I want to just have little sections of text that pop up explaining what is happening in the program-and I want these to be displayed in the command window for a user to see.
I have tried using the disp command, however as the text I am choosing to display has not been assigned to a variable so it will not work.
I guess one way to get around this, albeit messy, it is assign chunks of text to random variables and then choose the disp that variable-although it surely sounds like there is a tidier method.
Thanks in advance,
Mike Scott

Best Answer

What do you want to display? You can use the DISP command without a variable.
disp('At line 50')