MATLAB: Displaying message in static text box

static text

I have duration and distance.
I want to place duration in one static box so that I can call it from a push button to do a calculation
I want to place distance in another static box.
I wrote this code and it gives me what I want but in the command window I get errors.
Direct= {'28 hours'};
Directt= {'(2,967 km)'};
while { (val==2)
set(handles.text27,'String', Direct);
set(handles.text29,'String', Directt);
CODE ERROR: Conversion to logical from cell is not possible.
Error in Elevation>popupmenu1_Callback (line 287) while{(val==2)
Error in gui_mainfcn (line 95) feval(varargin{:});
Error in Elevation (line 42) gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});

Best Answer

Got it
if(val==2) set(handles.text29,'String', Direct) & set(handles.text27,'String', Directt); end
I just used the & symbol to help fix the issue