MATLAB: Displaying all values from a for loop in one vector

for loopvector

Hi everyone. I know people have asked similar questions to this one, but I am a complete novice with MATLAB and have been unable to generalise the answers to my own problem.
I'd like all the answers generated in this loop to be displayed as one vector so that I can export them to Excel for an analysis. This is the loop:
for t=600:600:28800
It's a very simple loop, but I am stuck! sumA is a vector of values from another loop.
Thanks for any assistance!

Best Answer

sum(bsxfun(@lt, sumA(:), 600:600:28800))
Or, more generally,
tvals = 600:600:28800;
numT = length(tvals);
L = zeros(numT, 1);
for K = 1 : numT
t = tvals(K);
L(K) = length(find(sumA<t));
Then you could write L