MATLAB: Displayin status msg’s in a gui


I hav a gui and the backend of it takes some time after getting input to generate the output. I feel like my app will be more user friendly if the user can know whether the program is running or not..i.e i want my gui to display a status msg like processing wen the program is running and completed after my program has run.. how should i go abt this??

Best Answer

Usual methods:
  • A progressbar, e.g. WAITBAR - this allows the user to estimate the remaining time
  • UICONTROL('Style', 'Text', 'String', 'Please wait');
  • Have you seen the "Busy" message in the bottom left of Matlab's command window while the program is running?
  • Set the window title, which allows the user to see the progres state in the taskbar:
FigH = figure('NumberTitle', 'off');
set(FigH, 'Name', 'My program: RUNNING...');
set(FigH, 'Name', 'My program');