MATLAB: Display Value of a Slider in a text box without GUIDE


Im struggling to find informations about how to display Data on a GUI without GUIDE.
More specificaly I have a slider 0->1 that I use to set my Threshold value (Image processing). I want the User to be able to see which value the slider is currently set to and changes brought to it.
There is no error Code but the value isnt showing up/ getting updated (Stays at 0)
These are fragments of my Code, please tell me if you need to see the whole thing:
fig = figure('Visible', 'on','Position',[0,0,1715,895], ...
'Name', 'Projekt Matlab Workshop','Numbertitle','off', 'MenuBar', 'none')
%... GUI Elements
slider = uicontrol('Style','slider','Min',0,'Max',1,'Value',0.5,...
'SliderStep',[0.025 0.05],'Position',[685,205,350,35]);
% ... Labels
lbl_schwellwertAnzeige = uicontrol('Style','text','String',num2str(get(slider, 'Value')),...
'Position',[1040,150,10,30], 'FontSize', 11);

Best Answer

If you want the slider to update something (text, plot, anything) as it moves, then you will need to add a listener:
Here is a complete working solution for pre-R2014b MATLAB, that updates an edit box while dragging the slider:
ht = uicontrol('style','edit','Position',[10,60,40,40]);
hs = uicontrol('style','slider','Position',[10,10,400,20]);
fun = @(o,e)set(ht,'String',num2str(get(e,'NewValue')));
addlistener(hs, 'Value', 'PostSet',fun);
And it looks like this:
For post R2014b use this::
fun = @(~,e)set(ht,'String',num2str(get(e.AffectedObject,'Value')));
See also: