MATLAB: Display the content of the cell array

display the content of the cell array

I have a cell array a = {'Ford' , 'AUDI'}
I want to display content in the cell array
i tried using a = sprintf('The selected cars are: %s', a{:})
i am getting the output as ''The selected cars are: FordThe selected cars are: AUDI''
But i should get the output as ''The selected cars are: Ford, AUDI
Where did i went wrong?
Thank you

Best Answer

>> sprintf('The selected cars are:%s',sprintf(' %s,',a{:}))
ans = The selected cars are: Ford, AUDI,
Or if you do not want the trailing comma, then in two steps:
>> tmp = sprintf(' %s,',a{:});
>> sprintf('The selected cars are:%s',tmp(1:end-1))
ans = The selected cars are: Ford, AUDI