MATLAB: Display only positive values


Hello. I am trying to display only the positive values of a vector by using the find function to find where the negative values are first and then displaying only the positive values. I have tried using i = find(vector<0) but I don't know how to only delete the negative values using the find function to display only the positive values. Thanks.

Best Answer

Yolu can simply use logical indexing for this, find is not absolutely necessary.
However, if you want to use find, assign its output to a variable:
idx = find(vector>0);
PosVals = vector(idx);
Testing for the negative values and then eliminating them requires an extra step:
idx = find(vector<0);
posidx = setdiff((1:numel(vector)), idx);
PosVals = vector(posidx)
Experiment to get different results.