MATLAB: Display legends with different line styles in matlab


How one can draw a graph with different line styles corresponding to different legends? For instance, my data is 5 by 4 as follows:
0.84702 0.64419 0.61728 0.48538
0.76445 0.1864 0.39728 0.15959
0.04743 0.0412 0.09432 0.86721
0.4256 0.1458 0.05432 0.803192
0.9855 0.8242 0.5679 0.7102
So far I tried the following, first I saved this data file as 'myData.m'. Next, I load it on my Matlab window using the command 'load myData.m'. Then after, I have used the followig codes:
[n,p] = size(myData);
t = 1:n;
xlabel('Time'); ylabel('Value');
How can I display legends with different line styles((like '-','.-','.' and '–')) along with different colours using Matlab?

Best Answer

If you plot() one line at a time, then you can usually pass a linespec to the plotting routines; sometimes you need to pass a 'LineStyle' name/value pair.
If you are plot()'ing with four different X, Y pairs, then you can put a linespec after each one:
plot(x1, y1, '-', x2, y2, '.', x3, y3, '--', x4, y4, '.-')
If you are plotting with four columns in your Y, then you need to record the line handles and set their LineStyle property:
h = plot(x, Y_by_4);
set(h(1), 'LineStyle', '-');
set(h(2), 'LineStyle', '.');