MATLAB: Display image if file is present, else display blank image.

guiguideImage Processing Toolbox

Good day! I would like to ask on how to display an image if the file exists and if the file does not exist, it simply displays blank image in MATLAB GUI.
I am currently working on MATLAB GUI wherein it should display specific images. For an example, file1 displays on axis1 and file2 displays on axis2. That already works but if file2 is not present, the GUI gets an error because file2 does not exist yet.
So far, I would like the axis to display a blank image, let's say defaultfile0 whenever the file doesn't exist yet. Can anyone suggest on how to do this one? Thank you so much.

Best Answer

filename = sprintf('filexyz%03d.jpg', round(1000*rand())); %some file the might or might not exist
if exist(filename, 'file')
MyImage = imread(filename);
elseif exist(defaultfile0, 'file');
MyImage = imread(defaultfile0);
MyImage = zeros(128,128,3); %_something_