MATLAB: Display gets cut off when exporting Live Script to PDF


I am working with and displaying rather large matrices in the Live Editor, then exporting this display to a PDF file. However, when exporting to a PDF, the matrices are so large that the display does not fit on the page and gets cut off on the right side of the screen.

Best Answer

The goal here is to resize the exported document to fit the entire display. Here are three ways to achieve this:
1. Use MATLAB's Report Generator. See examples in the documentation:
2. Instead of exporting your Live Script as a PDF, export it as an HTML file, and open it up in Google Chrome. Then, click CTRL+P to open the print options for the HTML document. Change the "Destination" to "Save as PDF". Finally, click the drop-down arrow for "More Settings" and change the "Scale" to "Custom". Decrease the scale until the entire display fits on the page.
3. Export your script as a Latex document. Within this document, use the "resizebox" command ("\resizebox{1.0\textwidth}{}") from the "graphicx" package ("\usepackage{graphicx}") to rescale the document and fit everything withing the page margins. You will also have to delete the "\begin{matlabsymbolicoutput}" and "\end{matlabsymbolicoutput}" commands in order for this method to work.