MATLAB: Display Empty matrix: 1-by-0


here is the question :
function can return a vector as a result. Write a function vecout that will receive
one integer argument and will return a vector that increments from the value of
the input argument to its value plus 5, using the colon operator.
I got : function vector= vecout(integer)
start= integer;
end= integer + 5;
vector= start:end;
The answer display Empty matrix: 1-by-0 What should I fix this porblem

Best Answer

This is very tricky
You can not use end as a variable name. That is a reserved word.
SO pretty much your definition of the function:
function vector= vecout(integer)
start= integer;
end = integer + 5;
vector= start:end;
function vector= vecout(integer)
start= integer;
everything after the first "end" is ignored so vector is never assigned anything; thus returning as an empty array.
Correct it this way
function vector=vecout(n)