MATLAB: Display difference between Matlab plot and Matlab App-Designer

app-designer display

I tried to implement the plotting function to a App-Designer, but I found that the plot display is slightly different:
the first figure below is plot in Maltab using regular functions. the second is what is shown in the App-Designer. the difference is the back ground color not consistently white. I tried to set the background color in App-designer to 'w' but this is what is has. how to handle the rest of it?

Best Answer

I suspect if you rotate the figure in MATLAB, you would see the same behavior.
You haven't set the background color to white. You've set the box color to white (the default color) in both. You can set the background color in app designer by selecting you axes in design view and then, in Axes properties > Color and Transparency Maps, locate the setting for Background Color and set it to what you want it to be (white?).
Incidentally, you can also set box color through a similar process, but go to Axes properties > Box Styling and change the Color property to what you want it to be.