MATLAB: Display comma instead of dot at contour levels

clabelcomma for dotcontour labelscontour plotMATLAB

Hello everyone,
the title is basically my whole question. I want to change the labels on the contour levels of a contour plot so that the numbers have a comma instead of a dot (its a german thing).
I've read that following code would have worked in older versions of Matlab – C and h being the outputs of the contour function:
for i=1:length(acl)
oldlabel=get(acl(i), 'String');
newlabel=strrep(oldlabel, '.', ',');
In the Matlab version I'm using, clabel is returning a "GraphicsPlaceholder"-Object, which I cannot change in the same way. How would I change the labels in Matlab version R2017a ?
(Same question has been posted here in german)

Best Answer

Yair recently posted some details on customizing contour lines and labels. See