MATLAB: Display axis values Line Legends??


Hello every one, when I plot a matrix e.g x= [ 8 36 36; 8 15 15; 8 25 25; 8 3 3], I would like to display the end value of each row for as a legend for each line on the plot.
I tried with 'num2str(x(1,end)),……' comand which works but off course for larger matrices it would b a headache, Is there any possible short command for the whole Action
Best Regards Ali

Best Answer

You can use a loop:
[m,n] = size(x);
legendText = cell(1, m);
for k = 1:m
legendText{k} = num2str(x(k, n));
[EDITED after comment]
x = rand(10, 5);
h = plot(x);
... Instert code from above here
legend(h, legendText);
See doc legend for more details and examples. Reading the documentation is very useful in Matlab, because this is (still, even with the new layout) the most productive documentation I've seen (except for the one of my hammer).