MATLAB: Display a shifted grid


Hello, I would like to show the grid at a specific position using and imagesc plot.
grid on
is associated with thick ticks positions. I would like it to be shown at a specific position, for exeample thick tick places + offset. Rather than 1 2 3 .. it would be 1.5, 2.5 3.5 etc for example. I do not want to change the xtick axis as it is shown in the help here.
I tried the gridxy function, which has the option of the position, but it doesn't show the grid where it is not empty (I see it where I have empty data only).
Any idea ? I am using R2019a.

Best Answer

I am not certain what you want.
Try this:
x = 1:0.1:10; % Create Data

y = rand(size(x)); % Create Data
imagesc(x, y, y)
Ax = gca; % Axis Handle
xt = Ax.XTick; % Get Current ‘XTick’ vector
Ax.XTick = xt + 0.5; % Create New ‘XTick’ Vector