MATLAB: Discrepancies between Power Spectra and Data


Hi MATLAB users,
I have time-series of repetitive burst, like the following link (lower trace):
The bursting occurs at a frequency of 0.5Hz, and within the burst there are frequencies of between 50-70Hz. Sampling at 10millisecs, my power spectra;
doesn't give me what I would expect (peaks at 0.5Hz and 50-70Hz). What am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

Hi Linford, A sampling frequency of 100 Hz (dt=0.01) is going to result in aliasing for the content from 50-70 Hz. As far as your other question, is there anyway you can post your time series anywhere? How long is your data vector? Your frequency resolution with a segment length of 128 points and your sampling frequency is almost 0.4 Hz so one thing to do would be to increase your segment length.
Without seeing the data or your PSD estimate, it's hard to say anything more. Another thing is what is the mean of the data. Is the mean nonzero?
If so, the power at DC (zero frequency) can obscure the spectral details you are interested in, so you may want to detrend() first.