MATLAB: Disable automatic Data Tips

data tipsMATLAB

I've just updated from R2018b to R2019b, and now every time I click on a plot, it prints a new Data Tip without my asking it to. So just clicking on a plot to make the axes current or pan or zoom ends up creating a mess like this:
Screen Shot 2020-01-02 at 12.25.41 PM.png
Is there any way to disable this behavior?

Best Answer

There are a few ways to go about this. To do this for individual plots, you can use the disableDefaultInteractivity command as below:
x = 0:0.01:10;
y = sin(x);
If you would like to do it for all of the created plots in a session, use
>> set( groot , 'defaultAxesCreateFcn' , 'disableDefaultInteractivity(gca)' )
However, with that method it will reset everytime you start up MATLAB.
If you would like this to apply whenever you open MATLAB, you'll need to implement it into your startup.m file. Here is an example of how you could implement it (MATLAB version 9.7 is 2019b)
if ~verLessThan('MATLAB','9.7')
set( groot , 'defaultAxesCreateFcn' , 'disableDefaultInteractivity(gca)' )