MATLAB: Directivity pattern for a beamformed signal

directivity patterndsbmircophone array;Phased Array System Toolbox

Finally, I got a signal y(1×5001) (delayed and summed output of the microphones).
How can I plot the directivity pattern(mesh-plot) of the above array? I have gone through many books which describe the pattern mostly for linear array geometries. If Iam not wrong, I should end up having my mainlobe at (30°,45°) for my wideband output signal 'y' (that would mean my beamformer is working).
How can I go about doing this using the signal y? What would be the steering vector in my case?
Please help.

Best Answer

In many literature, beam pattern is a narrow band concept so it is related to the steering vector. Since you are using time domain beamforming, I would do the following:
1. Simulate incoming signals for each direction you would like to calculate the beam pattern. It is the same as you simulate your source.
2. Process each signal using the SAME beamformer you use for your desired source, i.e., beamform each signal to (30, 45) degrees.
3. Now you get a beamformed signal for each direction and you can now compute the power or energy for those signals. You can then plot power or energy as a function of angle and it should match your beam pattern.