MATLAB: Dimensional analysis problems with simbiology mass action kinetics units

dimensional analysisSimBiologyunits

I am tyring to build a model using reversible mass action kinetics (Matlab R2016a, Win 8.1 x64). My species units are all in molarity and I calculate the forward reaction rate units should 1/(mol/l)*second and reverse reaction units as 1/second. However, Simbiology repeatedly fails dimensional analysis when trying to run a simulation reporting that 'Quantities of different dimensions cannot be added or subtracted'.
My reactions are all quite straight forward: [A]*[B] < – > [AB] so I don't understand why this is causing such problems.
Also tried the units from the manual but still the same error.
Does anybody know how to resolve this? I have even tried randomly changing units to all possible combinations in the drop down menus and no units of concentration or mass pass dimensional analysis.
Thanks for any help.

Best Answer

I think the problem is with the units on your forward rate constant. I think you forgot a set of parentheses and ended up multiplying by second where you want to divide by second. If you set the units to 1/(mole/liter)*second, that's the same as second/(mole/liter). I think you intended to set the units to 1/(mole/liter)/second or 1/((mole/liter)*second).