MATLAB: Dimension error using VERTCAT, but pretty sure dimensions are consistent


rawdata is a numeric matrix (size 2500×136 double)
text is a string matrix (size 2×136)
Text matrix contains the labels I want to add to the rawdata matrix. I double-checked the variable dimensions by using the size( ) function. Help?!?
error message:
Error using vertcat
Dimensions of matrices being concatenated are not consistent.
Error in openfile (line 25)
labeled_data=[text; rawdata];
%read the text file
inventory=textread('Master_inventory.txt', '%s' ...
, 'delimiter', '\n', 'whitespace', '');
% search for directory
c = cellstr(inventory);
filedesired = 'M29AA216afc01c1asfh_0000.3LA';
indx = regexpcell(c,filedesired);
%retrieve directory
pat = inventory(indx);
path = cellstr(pat);
%open file
%add column labels
filename = 'DC_labels.xls';
[data, text] = xlsread(filename,'A1:EF2');
text = cellstr(text);
labeled_data=[text; rawdata];

Best Answer

When you try to concatenate the cell array ( text ) with a numeric array ( rawdata ), the numeric array is treated as a single cell, so you end up trying to concatenate a 2 x 136 cell array with a 1 x 1 cell array. Hence the error.
labeled_data = [text; num2cell(rawdata)];
A few other tips
text = cellstr(text)
should be unnecessary, since xlsread already returns a cell array of strings. Also, using text as a variable name isn't a great idea, since it overshadows the text function (for plotting text).