MATLAB: Digital filters

digital filter line code errorduplicate post

H = dfilt.parallel(hd(1), hd(2), hd(3), hd(4), hd(5), hd(6), hd(7), hd(8), hd(9), hd(10), hd(11), hd(12), hd(13), hd(14), hd(15), hd(16), hd(17), hd(18), hd(19), hd(20) …, hd(100)));
Can anyone debug this line??

Best Answer

Where do you actually have the ellipsis, is it at a line break?
d = fdesign.lowpass;
Hd = design(d,'allfir');
H = dfilt.parallel(Hd(1),Hd(2),...