MATLAB: Diffrent results using tf(ss(A,B,C,D)) or C*inv(s*I-A)*B+D


Why do I obtain diffrent results?
A = rand(3,3);
B = rand(3,1);
C = rand(4,3);
D = rand(4,1);
% using matlab function
tf1 = tf(ss(A,B,C,D));
% calculated by hand
s = zpk('s');
tf2 = D + C*inv(s*eye(3)-A)*B;
Does anyone have an idea why tf1-tf2 is not zero?
Thank you

Best Answer

The results are not different. They are same. Minor differences can be due to numerical/computational tolerances and accuracy. At any given natural frequency, magnitude of (tf1-tf2) is indeed very close to zero. You can check the similarity yourself by comparing their bode plots like this:
hold on