MATLAB: Difficulty using serial communication

MATLABserial communication

I'm new to using serial communication, and trying to talk to a serial device on COM3. I can connect to the device, but can't seem to read or write anything (writing does nothing, reads are welcomed with a timeout).
The documentation for the device states: Set up your control PC to meet the following communication setup: Line setup: 115200-8N1-Hardware Handshake (RTS/CTS) Program message end character: &#60LF&#62 (Line Feed, 0Ahex) Response message end characters: &#60CR&#62&#60LF&#62 (Carriage Return, 0Dhex Line Feed, 0Ahex)
I am having difficulty translating this to settings for the serial function in matlab. Does anyone have any ideas?
~ J

Best Answer

baudrate 115200, flowcontrol hardware, BytesAvailableFcnMode terminator, terminator LF
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