MATLAB: Differentiation of Z, Symbolic toolbox

differentiate complex variable

I am trying to differentiate the equation : Z = S*((1-(a*z^-1)^2)^-0.5)
where z is a complex variable : z = x+1i*y
i being the sqrt of -1.
If I use the function
syms z
Zprime = diff(z)
I get the result : 'Undefined function 'syms' for input arguments of type 'char'
Does this mean I need another toolbox for the syms function to work so I can differentiate z?
All I would like to do is differentiate Z with respect to z and use this result elsewhere.
I cannot find a simple way to do this in Matlab.
I may be doing something silly here, please help out.

Best Answer

Timothy, looks like you do not have access to the Symbolic Math Toolbox. See this answer for reference.