MATLAB: Differential equation with mixed linear and log derivatives – proper setting

dependent variablesdifferential equationstrascendental equations

Hello everybody,
I'd like to solve for y = y(x) the following equation
that contains derivatives on both x and log(x).
When I input the equation as
syms y(x) f
eq = diff( log(y), log(x) ) + diff( log(diff(y,x)), log(x) ) + diff( y, log(x) )*log(x) + y ...
== 1 + f;
I always get an error about the log in the differentiation
Second argument must be a variable or a nonnegative integer specifying the number of
I have tried to input it as a system of equations
syms y(x,z) f
eq1 = diff( log(y), x ) + diff( log(diff(y,z)), x ) + diff( y, x )*x + y ...
== 1 + f;
eq2 = x == log(z);
But when I try to solve it
odes = [eq1;eq2];
sol = dsolve(odes);
I get an error that
Symbolic ODEs must have exactly one independent variable.
I'm likely doing something wrong in managing the equations.
Can someone help me, please?

Best Answer

Using chain-rule, we can write
Therefore, the equation can be written as
syms y(x) f
eq = diff(log(y),x)*1/diff(log(x),x) + diff(log(diff(y,x)),x)*1/diff(log(x),x) + ...
diff(y,x)*1/diff(log(x),x)*log(x) + y ...
== 1 + f;
sol = dsolve(eq);
The symbolic solution is
>> sol
sol =
((2*C2*x^y + C2*f*x^y - C2*x^y*y + 2*C1*x^f*x^2)/(x^y*(f - y + 2)))^(1/2)
-((2*C2*x^y + C2*f*x^y - C2*x^y*y + 2*C1*x^f*x^2)/(x^y*(f - y + 2)))^(1/2)
For numerical solution, try this
syms y(x) f
eq = diff(log(y),x)*1/diff(log(x),x) + diff(log(diff(y,x)),x)*1/diff(log(x),x) + ...
diff(y,x)*1/diff(log(x),x)*log(x) + y ...
== 1 + f;
eq2 = odeToVectorField(eq);
odeFun = matlabFunction(eq2, 'Vars', {'x', 'Y', 'f'});
xspan = [0.1 10];
xs = 0.1:0.001:10;
fv = rand(size(xs));
ffun = @(x) interp1(xs, fv, x);
ic = [1; 2];
[t, y] = ode45(@(x, y) odeFun(x, y, ffun(x)), xspan, ic);
plot(t, y);
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