MATLAB: Different size cells plotting

cell arraysMATLABmatrixplotplotting

I have several data contain different size of cells. the data size mostly are [n*3]. [:,1] of each cells is timeline. however not all the time in each cell counted from 1 also the timerange are different form each. the plot I want would be many lines on the plot using [:,2] of each cells. While the functions i tried always said that i need to assign the same size of cells for it or there are many result come out. Is there any function can plot for this problem or what code should i need to write for it? Very Thanks!!

Best Answer

file = 'neg 20_1_Mnalyzed.mat' ;
S = load(file) ;
A = S.nfkbX ;
hold on
for i = 1:size(A,1)