MATLAB: Different matrix dimention of input and target in neural networks

neural network

Why couldn't I get the network to work with a 1×250 input and a 2×250 target? When the input and target are both a 2×250 matrix the program worked just fine. My inputs and targets are taken from excel. I didn't know how to fix this problem.
This is the code: Ptr=xlsread('liaa(10s).xlsx','sheet1','I3:I252');
net=newff(Ptr,T,4,{'logsig','purelin'},'trainlm','learngdm');; net.trainParam.epochs=25; net.trainParam.goal=1e-10;
and the error said: ??? Error using ==> network.train at 146 Targets are incorrectly sized for network. Matrix must have 1 columns.
Error in ==> training_lia at 11 [net,tr]=train(net,Ptr,T);

Best Answer

You may have to transpose your data
Check dimensions
[ I N ] = size(input) % [ 1 250]
[ O N ] = size(target)% [ 2 250 ]
P.S. To simplify your code, use default parameters whenever possible. See the examples in
help newff
doc newff
Hope this helps.
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